Toilet Paper Roll Bats: A Recycled Halloween Craft for Kids

Create the wings: Cut out two bat wing shapes from the black construction paper. These will be attached to the sides of your bat. Make them as big or as small as you like, but make sure they’re symmetrical!

First, grab your black construction paper and scissors. Cut out two bat wing shapes from the paper, making sure they are symmetrical. You have the creative freedom to make them as big or as small as you like! Remember, the wings are a vital part of your bat’s appearance, so take your time to perfect their shape. These wings will be attached to the sides of your bat, giving it that realistic and ready-to-take-flight look.

Once you have your bat wings cut out, it’s time to bring them to life! Take your covered toilet paper roll and get ready to attach the wings. Use some glue to secure the wings firmly onto the sides of the roll. This ensures that they’re securely in place and won’t fall off when you’re showing off your craft. Be mindful of the position of the wings; try to create a sense of movement as if your bat is about to soar through the night sky. Now, your bat is truly starting to take shape, and the wings are a key element in bringing your creation to life!

Attach the wings: Use glue to stick the wings onto the sides of the covered toilet paper roll. Position them in a way that makes your bat look ready to take flight!

Now comes the exciting part – attaching the wings to your bat! Grab your glue and carefully stick the wings onto the sides of the covered toilet paper roll. Make sure to position them in a way that gives your bat a sense of motion, as if it’s about to take flight!

Feel free to get creative with the size and shape of the wings, but remember to keep them symmetrical for a balanced look. You can make them as big or as small as you like, depending on how dramatic you want your bat to appear. Just make sure they match and align perfectly with the bat’s body. With the wings securely glued in place, your bat is now one step closer to soaring through the night sky!

Add the eyes: Grab those googly eyes and stick them

Now it’s time to bring your bat to life by adding its adorable eyes! To make your bat look even more playful, go ahead and grab those googly eyes. These little gems are a fantastic addition to any art project and will surely make your bat come alive with personality. So, get ready to stick them onto your creation and watch the transformation happen before your very eyes!

Placing the googly eyes is a simple yet crucial step in completing your bat’s appearance. As you glue them down, just imagine the mischievous glint they will give to your bat’s expression. Whether you choose to position them right above the wings, slightly askew, or give your bat a cross-eyed look for a touch of whimsy, the choice is yours! The googly eyes will add that extra sparkle that will make your bat a true standout. Get ready to enjoy the pure delight of seeing your creation come to life!

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